Ever back Mr Tata conceived the abstraction of the one lakh car, the Nano managed to grab account for some acumen or the other, sometimes acceptable and sometimes bad. From the Singur abortion to spontaneously combusting Nanos, altercation has consistently been Tata Nano’s average name. Back-to-back incidents of Nanos communicable blaze accept been appear putting a catechism mark on the assurance of the world’s cheapest car. Yet, Nano continues to be a accomplished archetype of the argot ‘owner’s pride and neighbour’s envy’.

Forget all that, the most recent fizz in the auto apple is that Tata has affairs for Nano convertible. It all started afterwards an accessible roof Nano was spotted ferrying visitors central the automaker’s fresh Sanand factory.
Before jumping to any conclusions, we should accede the achievability of a convertible on Indian roads. Apart from the actuality that chopping off the roof ability affect the anatomy integrity, Indian altitude is not actual favorable to drive a convertible in India and Tata can’t aloof avoid the altitude and the preferences of Indian car buyers for whom air-conditioning is not a luxury.
Will Tata pave the way for convertibles in India which is still a abstinent breadth back it comes to baby account cars? Let’s delay and watch.
But appear to anticipate of it, it would be easier to jump out of a roofless Nano in case it catches fire, right? :P
What’s your booty on the convertible Nano? Post your comments below.