Archaeological and arcane sources of Kongu Region
*During the classical aeon (i.e. Sangam Age) Kongu was beneath the aphorism of the Ch?ra kings and abounding v??ir chieftains. The association of those times is able-bodied represented in the Pati??uppattu and added akam and pu?am anthologies. During that aeon this arena was technologically able-bodied avant-garde and was visited by the traders of the East and West. Affirmation suggests that this arena was active appropriate from Adamant Age (1000 BC).
*The Poti?i acropolis (Pa?a?i), the address of the Tamil God Muruka?,is in this region.
*Ayirai, addition acclaimed acropolis of the Ch?ras mentioned in Pati??uppattu(30,79) as the “Ayirai breadth dwells the aflutter deity” is amid in Kongu region.
*Kuma?a? who donated his arch for the account of altruism and P?ka?, one amid the seven abundant philanthropists of Sangam Age who disqualified over the Poti?i hills of the Kongu arena were eulogised by acclaimed Sangam poets Perun?cittira??r and Peruntalai-c-Ca?tta?a?r.
*K?m?r (present Kangayam) disqualified by Ka?uvu? is mentioned in Akan????u and Pati??uppattu. It is anchored in Kongu region.
*The Kutiraimalai arena disqualified by Pitta?ko??a? alluded in Pu?anan??u(168-172) is anchored in Kongu region.
*Poruntil I?a?k?ra?a?r , a acclaimed Sangam artist is amid abreast Pa?ani in Kongu region. Recent blasting conducted by Pondicherry Central University brought out abounding evidences to adjure the blooming activities of this arena in those days. During the excavation, about 2 kgs., of paddy of Sangam Age has been recovered. Ample quantities of chaplet of adored and semi adored stones and bottle beads, accept been brought out from the excavation, besides affirmation for bottle bean industry in the address mound.*The Industrial and Barter centre of Ko?uma?am (present Kodumanal in Erode District), recorded in the Pati??uppattu belongs to the Kongu region. This abode was biconcave by Tamil University during 1980s. The megalithic burials accept yielded abounding semi adored bean beads, adamant implements, assumption objects, and potteries with graffiti marks. The excavations in the address breadth yielded evidences for the actuality of metal furnaces. Besides, abounding ceramics inscriptions of old Tamil characters (Tamil-Brahmi) anachronous from the third aeon B.C. accept been obtained.
*Pava?anti A?ika? who wrote the grammar assignment Na???l, lived in present S??a?napuram (Jainapuram) in Kongu arena and A?iy?rkunalla?r the acclaimed analyst of the Cilappatika?ram lived in Nirambai which is additionally anchored in Kongu region. The acclaimed Jain assignment Peru?katai was accounting by the artist Ko?guv?? who hailed from Kongu region. The Jain temple of Vijayamangalam indicates the advance of Jainism in Kongu arena also.
*In Kongu arena there are abounding megalithic burials of Adamant Age begin in the anatomy of bean circles and bean heaps. This arena was a nodal arena for the barter amid the East coffer ports and West coffer ports of Ancient Tami?akam. A ample cardinal of Roman bill were recovered about Ve??al?r, Ch?va?ipp??aiym, and Pollachi region. In fact, alone Kongu arena yielded the aggregate of Roman bill begin in the accomplished of India. This attests to the actuality that Kongu arena played an important role in Amphibian Barter with Roman apple through Palghat Pass in the Sangam Age.
*The acclaimed Tamil-Brahmi inscriptions begin at Puka??r, abreast Kar?r, approve the Sangam affirmation apropos to the Ch?ra dynasty. A third aeon inscription on agreeable addendum is begin at A?achal?r, which is in Kongu region.

*The excavations in the sites abreast Coimbatore namely P?r?r and Poluv?mpa??i accept brought to ablaze abounding stone, glass, and carapace beads, adamant implements, terracotta objects, ear rings, the potteries with the graffiti marks and so on.
*A Punch-marked bread begin in S?l?r abreast Coimbatore attests to the barter affiliation amid North India and Tamilnadu during the Sangam Age. Distinguished academic Iravatham Mahadevan is of the appearance that a attribute begin on an old pot at S?l?r is agnate to an Indus Script symbol.
*More than 250 Adamant Age and Sangam Age sites accept been so far articular in the Kongu arena (Old Coimbatore District) by assorted advisers during their acreage work.
*It is about agreed that Kar?r Van?ci (Kar?r), the basic of Ch?ras was anchored on the coffer of ??porunai (present Amar?vati River), which is in the Kongu area.
*The acclaimed anchorage Musi?i, alluded to in Sangam Literature anchored on the West coffer of Ancient Tami?akam, belonged to the Ch?ra Kings. Alone recently, this anchorage has been apparent and biconcave by the Kerala Council for Historical Research. The allegation would go to prove the amphibian action of Musi?i, as acclaimed in Akana????u (149), which mentions that the ships (from Rome) burdened with gold visited the anchorage and alternate with pepper. In this excavation, Roman potsherds, gold objects, Ch?ra coins, Brick structures, Baiter anchorage and board baiter of 2200 years old accept been unearthed. It may be remembered that this anchorage was the important bazaar for exporting the semi adored bean chaplet of the Kongu area.
*The aloft affirmation suggests the accent of hosting Apple Classical Tamil Conference at Coimbatore the bench of Kongu region