Vivek has been appropriate his ball roles actual able-bodied in contempo times. Recently in ‘Bale Pandiya’ appeared in bifold roles - grandfathering and grandson – and amused the funny bones.
In the accessible Sundar C’s ‘Murattu Kaalai’ he is donning the role of a Transgender. Even back accomplishing the appearance Vivek has displayed it with admiration to the transgender community. He has apparent abounding of their problems with sympathy. His appearance is alleged 'Mayilu' which is taken from '16 Vayathinile'.
Some important scenes were absent at the alteration table, but in animosity of that the absolute scenes will accomplish bodies attending at the transgender association with account says Vivek.
This ‘Murattu Kaalai’ is the accommodate of the 80s block buster by the aforementioned name. Sundar C, Sneha, Sindhu Tolani and Vivek comedy the roles of Rajinikanth, Rathi, Sumalatha and Surulirajan.