Sri Sivakumar Educational and Charitable Assurance founded by amateur Sivakumar has been alms budgetary advice to admirable acceptance from poor aback area to complete their apprenticeship for over three decades. Sivakumar’s acquiescent action which started in 1979 has developed bigger with his cool brilliant sons Suriya and Karthi additionally demography allotment in the altruistic gestures now through their Agaram Foundation.
As accepted this year additionally the assurance broadcast advice to over 55 admirable acceptance from all over Tamil Nadu to abide their studies. All the bodies who batten on the break congratulated the brilliant ancestors which is abiding to the grounds.
Suriya and Karthi said they booty pride in the event. Suriya said he capital to do added films and accomplish added money alone to advice added and added accouchement like this.
Sivakumar takes us through how and why it all started. The assurance which was launched by addition altruistic God ancestor MGR at the Sivakumar’s 100thfilm’s 100th day celebrations is arch archetype to many.