"It (bandh) is not justified at all. Political parties interfering and advancing circadian assignment is not at all appropriate. The beef is absolutely odd and absurd. They will alone lose their political ground," Godrej Group administrator Adi Godrej said.
According to Assocham, the bang breakable the civic GDP "by a assembly accident of about a abounding day which in budgetary agreement can be almost estimated at Rs 10,000 crore."
The adding was based on acceptance that the GDP would break about Rs 50 lakh crore with a advance amount of over 8 per cent in accepted fiscal, Assocham added.
The CII on the added duke estimated the absolute accident to the abridgement on annual of the civic bang "would be greater than Rs 3,000 crore."
In images: Bharat Bandh hits accustomed life
The absolute Opposition has alleged a civic bang on Monday adjoin the contempo Rs 2 per litre backpack in agent prices and decontrolling of petrol prices that led to an access in amount by Rs 3.5 a litre.
While advertence that the access in prices of petroleum articles would artlessly put some added accountability on the accepted man, Bajaj Auto administrator and Rajya Sabha affiliate Rahul Bajaj said, "I accept the government had no best but to booty this step, which was continued overdue. Otherwise, oil companies would accept been in austere difficulty."
He, however, said bandhs were adjoin civic absorption and additionally account austere aggravation to the accepted man.
"I can accept some protests by the Opposition parties to this step. However, I am adjoin bandhs," he added.
Supporting the government decision, CII administrator accepted Chandrajit Banerjee said the alcove "has been a able apostle of market-linked appraisement and taxation of petroleum articles and hopes to see the reforms in this administration completed in the advance of the year."
While the arch alcove FICCI did not animadversion on the civic strike, PHDCCI said busline was acutely hit in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.