Nagapattinam (Tamil Nadu), Dec 25 : Appulse of the Dec 26, 2004, tsunami on Tamil Nadu:
* 13 districts affected
* 238 villages and 418 hamlets affected
* 7,997 lives lost
* 241 accouchement orphaned
* 1,513 accouchement who absent one of their parents
* 846 missing
* 3,625 injured
* 118,000 houses damaged
* 0.49 actor bodies evacuated
* 1.078 actor bodies affected
* 16,082 beasts dead
* 51,078 fishing argosy damaged / lost
* 0.3 actor families whose alimentation was affected
* USD 880 actor accident to infrastructure, including housing
* 8,844.35 hectares of agronomical and agronomical acreage damaged
* 775 km anchorage damaged
* 608 km ability curve damaged
* 14 ports / angle landing centers damaged