2008: American Paul Krugman for his assay of barter patterns and area of bread-and-butter activity.
Winners of the Nobel Economics Prize
— 2007: Americans Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson for laying the foundations of apparatus architecture theory.
— 2006: American Edmund S. Phelps for furthering the compassionate of the trade-offs amid aggrandizement and its furnishings on unemployment.
— 2005: Robert J. Aumann, of Israel and the United States, and American Thomas C. Schelling, for their assignment in game-theory analysis.
— 2004: Finn E. Kydland, Norway, and Edward C. Prescott, United States, for their addition to activating macroeconomics.
— 2003: Robert F. Engle, United States, and Clive W.J. Granger, Britain, for their use of statistical methods for bread-and-butter time series.
— 2002: Daniel Kahneman, United States and Israel, and Vernon L. Smith, United States, for beat the use of cerebral and beginning economics in decision-making.
— 2001: George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz, United States, for assay into how the ascendancy of advice affects markets.
— 2000: James J. Heckman and Daniel L. McFadden, United States, for their assignment in developing theories to advice assay activity abstracts and how bodies accomplish assignment and biking decisions.
— 1999: Robert A. Mundell, Canada, for avant-garde assay of barter ante that helped lay the bookish background for Europe's accepted currency.
— 1998: Amartya Sen, India, for contributions to abundance economics, which advice explain the bread-and-butter mechanisms basal famines and poverty.
— 1997: Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes, United States, for developing a blueprint for the appraisal of banal options.