MUMBAI: Asking Maoists to afford weapons, Prime Abbot Manmohan Singh on Sunday asserted that the country would see "positive development" in the
coming months in the war adjoin Maoist violence.
"I consistently advance that Naxalism (Maoism) is the greatest centralized blackmail to our security. The government is demography all accessible measures to accord with the menace. In the months to appear you will see some absolute development in this regard," Manmohan Singh told reporters here.
The prime abbot said that talks were accessible with the banned Communist Party of India-Maoist but alone if it "shed the aisle of violence".
Manmohan Singh was speaking on the aftermost day of advancement for the Maharashtra accumulation elections Tuesday.
"I generally say that the advance of Naxalism, decidedly in axial India, obliges us to attending at the faculty of breach amid assertive sections of the society, abnormally tribals...
"But law and adjustment is the primary albatross of a civilised state, and no accumulation of citizens should be accustomed to booty law into their hands," he said.
Manmohan Singh added that there was no aboveboard advice that the Maoists were affiliated to alien forces. "There are consistently rumours afloat. But there is no aboveboard intelligence pointing in that direction."
Asked about the beheading of a badge administrator in Jharkhand, he said the "evil designs" of the Maoists were able-bodied known. "The government is acquainted of their angry designs. We will booty able measures to adverse them."