And the cine is additionally no beneath in reputation. Director Vasu had directed a Kannada cine 'Aaptharakshaka' which went on to become the better anytime hit in Kannada cinema. 'Aaptharakshaka'was a aftereffect to 'Apthamithra' which was afterwards adapted in Tamil as Chandramukhi starring Cool Brilliant Rajnikanth.
P. Vasu was planning to accommodate the aftereffect blur additionally in Tamil and attractive for Rajnikanth to do it as well. Even the cool brilliant admired the cine afterwards a appropriate screening and account were abuzz adage Rajini has agreed to do the film. But it was some time ago and the Cool Brilliant got active with Endhiran.
Now afterwards a while the accommodate fizz is afresh afloat but with a twist. The account this time is that the Cool Brilliant has appropriate Ajith to booty up the film. Apparently Rajini has told Ajith that the blur will back him a acceptable name.
Ajith was accepted to booty up 'Billa-2'after 'Mangatha' but as things angle now he is acceptable to booty up the P. Vasu film. We will accumulate you acquaint as and back things develop.