The Kamaraj Arangam came to activity on the 82nd altogether celebrations of the backward amateur Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan on Friday evening.
On this appropriate day, a appropriate awning with abandoning commemorating the backward amateur Jai Sankar was appear by the Postmaster General, Chennai burghal circle, MS Ramanujam. The brand was accustomed by GK Vasan, abutment abbot for Shipping.
This action is consistently captivated every year, conducted by the the Sivaji Prabhu Charities Trust by the backward thespian’s sons, G Ramkumar and G Prabhu. On this occasion, four awardees from Kollywood accustomed the Dr Sivaji Ganesan Memorial Awards which accommodate a commendation and a cheque of Rs 50,000/-
This year the awards were handed over to M Peethambaram, composition artisan and producer, V Pandian, composition artist, amateur and ancestor of administrator P Vasu, AL Raghavan, artist and amateur and C Rajasulochana, amateur and dancer.
The ancestors of Jai Sankar consisting of his sons Vijaysankar and Sanjay were present to accept the formed awning in the attendance of the abutment minister. Those in the admirers included admirers of the backward amateur forth with amateur Sakthi, SP Muthuraman, TP Gajendran, Pratap Pothen and Sathyajothi Thiagarajan amidst others.
Speaking on the break GK Vasan said, “I am both blessed and honoured to be handing over the awards today. As a apprentice I was an ardent aloof and fan of Sivaji and I anamnesis the canicule he acclimated to common our home to accommodated my father. He has set a abundant archetype for all of us to chase with his achievements.”
VC Guhanathan, admiral FEFSI recalled the abutting affiliation of Sivaji and the Congress party. Giving the vote of acknowledgment G Prabhu recalled his father’s active attendance amidst them in the anatomy of the innumerable admirers who were a connected support. He thanked Vasan for gracing the accident and accordant anon to come.
The accident was conducted in a academic but simple address and the cornball moments were abounding back clippings from the thespian’s films were apparent forth with his accord with the awardees and with Jai Sankar.