And now, sources accept it that the Oscar-Grammy champ will restart the alternation from September 11. The Mozart of Madras will be assuming at assorted places beyond North America as allotment of his all-embracing concert.
The dates for the shows in assorted cities are, Los Angeles (September 11), San Francisco (September 12), Vancouver (September 14), Dallas (September 17), Houston (September 18), Boston (September 22), Newark (September 23), Detroit (September 25), Toronto (September 26) and Raleigh (September 29).
Meanwhile, letters affirmation that Rahman delivered a fresh agreement for Madhu Mantena’s ‘Jhootha Hi Sahi’ in a day-and-a-half. It was a appellation clue and the Mozart of Madras acquainted that it would enhance the all-embracing appulse of the movie.